Juliet Wanyiri is a masters student in Integrated Design and Management (IDM) at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) – a joint program between the MIT School of Engineering and Sloan School of Management. Her background lies in engineering, product design and business, having worked in numerous roles at Nokia Networks, Tesla and as a Stanford FabLearn Fellow. She is also a Fellow at the MIT Legatum Centre for Entrepreneurship and Development.
Marian Muthui is a graduate student at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and a Research Assistant at MIT Media Lab in the Lifelong Kindergarten (LLK) group. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Nairobi. She is experienced in ethnographic research, human-centered design, research and development (R&D), digital fabrication and technical healthcare services and solutions.
Jaleesa Trapp is a graduate student at the MIT Media Lab. She was previously a high-school computer science teacher and coordinator of an after-school technology-based community center in Tacoma, Washington, USA. Her research focus is on examining the race, class, and social barriers to constructionism in education through an intersectional lens with the hope to provide solutions to eradicate them. Jaleesa’s goal is to give marginalised youth access to STEM technologies and equip educators with the resources to provide an equitable learning environment.
Marcelo Worsley is an Assistant Professor at Northwestern University in Computer Science and Learning Sciences. He directs the technological innovations for inclusive learning and teaching (tiilt) lab, which aims to develop pedagogical and technological solutions for supporting learning among diverse populations in hands-on, collaborative, environments. More specifically, the goal of his research is to promote equity and advance society’s understanding of how students learn in complex learning environments by forging new opportunities for using multimodal technology. The use of multimodal technology is multi-fold. First, the environments that he studies allow students to experience learning across a range of modalities. Second, he uses multimodal signal processing and artificial intelligence to study how student learning is demonstrated across different modalities and time scales.